Formatting and Topic Types

Description: Basic how to Format

Categories: Forums

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[url=]Knowledge Base - Formatting and Topic Types[/url]

  • Can I use HTML?

    No. It is not possible to post HTML on this board and have it rendered as HTML. Most formatting which can be carried out using HTML can be applied using BBCode instead.
  • What are Announcements?

    Announcements often contain important information for the forum you are currently reading and you should read them whenever possible. Announcements appear at the top of every page in the forum to which they are posted. As with global announcements, announcement permissions are granted by the board administrator.
  • What are Global Announcements?

    Global announcements contain important information and you should read them whenever possible. They will appear at the top of every forum and within your User Control Panel. Global announcement permissions are granted by the board administrator.
  • What are locked topics?

    Locked topics are topics where users can no longer reply and any poll it contained was automatically ended. Topics may be locked for many reasons and were set this way by either the forum moderator or board administrator.
  • What are Smilies?

    Smilies, or Emoticons, are small images which can be used to express a feeling using a short code such as 🙂 which would translate into a smiling face in the post. The full list of emoticons can be seen in the posting form. Try not to overuse smilies, however, as they can quickly render a post unreadable and a moderator may edit them out or remove the post altogether. The board administrator may also have set a limit to the number of smilies you may use within a post.

    Aside from the list of smilies available to select when creating a post directly on the forum, if using a mobile device, most smilies directly from the phone are available to post directly into your text as well.
  • What are sticky topics?

    Sticky topics within the forum appear below announcements and only on the first page. They are often quite important so you should read them whenever possible. As with announcements and global announcements, sticky topic permissions are granted by the board administrator.
  • What is BBCode?

    BBCode is a special implementation of HTML, offering great formatting control on particular objects in a post. The use of BBCode is granted by the administrator, but it can also be disabled on a per post basis from the posting form. BBCode itself is similar in style to HTML, but tags are enclosed in square brackets [ and ] rather than < and >.